Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Nie 22:29, 29 Wrz 2013    Temat postu: sneakers' Comments on MON

sneakers' Comments on MON,[url=][b]デュベティカ 店舗[/b][/url]
A devil company indeed. A company that causes cancer in our family,[url=][b]デュベティカダウンジャケット[/b][/url], friends and neighbors by adding chemicals to everything we eat ("Round-up Ready Crops" - that's just wonderful),[url=][b]ダウンジャケットduvetica[/b][/url], not to mention being a huge contributor to the obesity and diabetes epidemic in America? A company that fight to its last breath to oppose labeling food products so we all know what we are eating. Don't Americans deserve to know what we are eating so that people can make their own choices about what to ingest? To decide themselves whether they want to ingest food comprised of GMOs? This is a company that stacks the FDA with former employees and allies so that it no longer looks out for the health of Americans but rather it is more concerned with the profits of MON and other huge agri-businesses. I don't care if it is a ten-bagger. Too much deceit. At least cigarette companies label their products.
















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