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PostWysłany: Czw 15:18, 31 Paź 2013    Temat postu: abercrombie pas cher Insight About The LaundryPure

Save energy and money
Use cold h2o only in your wash
Get rid of detergent and fabric softener*
Mix colors and whites together in the same load**
Less time spent cleaning out the lint catcher
Fabrics last longer
Colors look brighter
Restore faded colors back to life
Fabrics are softer and fluffier
No more chemical sensitivities
Reduce pollution in the environment
Clothes smell sunshine dried

No More detergents* with the use of oxidizing gas bubbles that are injected into the laundry h2o to effectively lift out dirt, eliminate odors and kill germs. The ActivePure Cell utilizes high force LED UV lights reflected against a hydrated quad-metallic target to create synergistic blend of powerful purification agents including hydro peroxides, hydroxides, free oxygen molecules. The proprietary Advanced Oxidation Technology utilizes these compounds, harnessing six of mother nature's most [url=‎]abercrombie pas cher[/url] powerful and disinfecting agents for cleansing your laundry.

LaundryPureT. usesPure Oxygen Aeration. A byproduct of the ActivePure process is absolute oxygen aeration creating an effervescent cleansing action like to club soda's cleansing action where escaping gases release grime and stains from fabrics.

LaundryPureT. Sanitizes.
A synergistic blend of effective cleansing agents including hydro peroxides, hydroxides, free oxygen molecules, and super oxide ions provide [url=]woolrich sito ufficiale[/url] incomparable antibacterial properties which offer ongoing guardianship against odor-causing bacteria.

*Note: Far-reaching field studies have shown that under normal conditions laundry detergent is not necessary. However, stubborn stains or heavily soiled items may still need to be pre-treated with spot removers or bleach. As a rule, if pre-treating or bleaching agenting of stubborn stains or heavily stained items was needed in the past when using laundry detergent, there is a chance that pre-treatment or bleach may still be needed when washing with LaundryPureT. Our private testing has shown that the EcoH Cleaner by Vollara outperformed leading spot removers. See your
Vollara seller for more information on EcoH.

**Our experiment has shown that under most conditions colors do not bleed when using LP. However, we advise that you use caution and not mix brand new color items with whites as there is a chance that the excess dye on the fabric could initially run off and discolor whites.

Saves Money with LaundryPureT. Say good-bye to the frequent expenses of buying Laundry Detergent, Fabric Softener, Bleaching agent, and paying for extra Heating Bills from Hot Water. LaundryPureT is designed to eradicate the need of these costly items!*

LaundryPureT. Pays for Itself From the Savings An average family could earn up to the entire purchase price back in as little as 2-3 years from the savings generated from not having to buy Laundry Detergent and Fabric Softener or having to bear the cost for extra heating costs from hot h2o.

Saves Time: No More Pre-Sorting!
LaundryPureT is designed to invalidate the need for having to isolate your clothes before washing. Since we have invalidated the two greatest factors for color bleeding: Hot H2o, and Detergents, it would seem most likely that LaundryPureT is much more forgiving when it comes to the problem of color bleeding. Our all-encompassing field tests confirmed this, however, the company still cautions to not wash brand new colors together with whites as there could be initial color bleeding due to profusion dyes in the fabric. Testing has shown that after a few washings with LaundryPureT it will become highly unlikely that the clothes will continue to bleed.

LaundryPureT. Saves Hot H2o
The Vollara LaundryPureT System is [url=]barbour outlet[/url] designed to use only cold h2o for washing. Using only cold h2o saves energy.
Increased Fabric Life
Typical laundry detergents can contain up to 50% zeolites Zeolites act as [url=]nike air jordan pas cher[/url] an abrasive to work stains [url=]peuterey sito ufficiale[/url] out of clothing. Zeolites also damage the fibers in clothing, causing them to break down much faster. Clothes washed in the Vollara LaundryPureT System will most likely last longer than clothes washed in regular laundry detergent. The following graphic demonstrates typical fabric condition after 20 [url=]woolrich outlet[/url] traditional washings.

Reduce or Dispense with Chemical Sensitivities with LaundryPure Good News for People with sensitive skin! With LaundryPureT, you will NOT have any detergent residue building up in your clothes. The general public is often not aware that detergent does not completely get rinsed out of your clothes during the rinse cycle. These residues build up over time and can cause allergic reactions with some folks. Look what WebMD has to say about this:
Description of Contact dermatitis: A common cause of a rash is the contact with a substance that causes irritation or an allergic reaction (contact dermatitis). Soaps, detergents, shampoos, perfumes, or lotions can cause contact dermatitis. Often the rash from contact dermatitis is very itchy, but it is rarely serious. Changing your soap or [url=]abercrombie pas cher[/url] detergent may counter this type of rash. Why change your soap? With LaundryPureT you can eliminate it!

Eliminates Allergens Caused by Detergents LaundryPureT Due to continual detergent residue buildup in our laundry, these detergents can causes skin irritation. The Vollara LaundryPureT System discharges the entrained detergent from clothing, thus eliminating the allergens that cause adverse skin reactions.

Maximize Efficiency. Do Larger Loads!
How [url=]woolrich outlet[/url] many times have you tediously separated whites from colors? What if you could merely dump the whole quantity of clothes into the washer and do ONE BIG load? Good News! With LaundryPureT that day has arrived!

Less Lint in Your Dryer Screen: Members of our test panel reported much less lint in the lint screen of the dryer after switching to LaundryPureT. Lint is one of the by-products of Abrasives Grinding Away at your Clothes! When you don't have rough abrasives sanding down the clothing fibers, it makes sense that the fiber dust created by these abrasives will be drastically reduced. The end result is less lint in your lint screen and longer lasting clothes!

Clothes are [url=]hollister outlet sale[/url] Less Likely to Shrink!
Hot water is the number one cause of shrinkage in your clothing. By using only cold h2o you are likely to eradicate the shrinking!
Removes Color Bleeding!** Hot H2o and Detergent are the primary cause of color bleeding.

Does Not Pollute the Environment. Families across America buy 6 Billion USD of Laundry Detergent every year. Conservatively, that is enough to fill 126,000 semi trucks parked bumper to bumper from Vancouver to Los Angeles fully loaded with 20 tons of detergent each. This is what gets added to h2o in washing machines which on the Average, dumps about 25-30 gallons of chemically loaded, polluted water into our environment per load. That amounts to approximately 330 BILLION gallons of polluted h2o every year!
Sanitize Clothes and Eliminate Bacteria by up to 99.9999%!

Have you ever pulled Laundry out of the Washing Machine after it has sat for a while and noticed the sour smell? That is the result of residual detergent souring and from bacteria growing in the fabric. Independent Laboratory tests done by NSF on LaundryPureT showed a 99.9999% success rate in getting rid of bacteria from Laundry! Testers [url=]louboutin pas cher[/url] say that their laundry smelled sunshine fresh even after leaving it [url=]hollister[/url] in the machine for 2 days!

Clothes Last Longer
Abrasives commonly found in Laundry Detergent called Zeolites grind away at clothes,
towels and bedding while scrubbing out the dirt during the wash cycle. This can cause clothes to wear out more quickly! Lint in the lint catcher of your dryer is testament of the deteriorated fibers and the extra wear and tear your laundry is exposed to as it is washed.
Good News! With LaundryPureT, there are no Zeolites to too soon wear out your clothes during wash cycle.

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