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PostWysłany: Wto 17:13, 05 Lis 2013    Temat postu: Women In Network Mark

Women in Network Marketing and Strategic Intuition

To begin with it is important to make clear that strategic intuition* is not emotional.Since as a society we've not thought a lot about this, it has been easy to put intuition under the heading of "feeling." But it is not what is pejoratively referred to as women's intuition. It is most surely not examining nonverbal cues or [url=][/url] simply being attentive to details others might miss.

[url=]abercrombie milano[/url] Strategic intuition is [url=]barbour italia[/url] rather thinking which goes [url=]abercrombie[/url] on when we are not consciously aware of it. Strategic intuition is unconscious thinking in the basements of our brains. It permits us to process new information without willing it.

For women in network marketing, strategic intuition is of critical importance. It allows us to make creative [url=]barbour online shop[/url] decisions before we have all the facts or can connect all the dots. It helps us make creative jumps while others are still pondering the problem.

Strategic intuition belongs to creative, innovative leaders both male and female in a variety of fields: science, technology, business, the military and the arts. From Gates and Buffet to Curie and Einstein, just about all highly successful people give evidence of making use of their strategic intuition.

Einstein and Strategic Intuition

Einstein, for example, believed that in the arena of science intuition is much more important than knowledge. He was quoted saying: [url=]barbour sito ufficiale[/url] "The only really valuable thing is intuition."

Needless to say Einstein is referring to an alternative kind of knowing, a knowing in no way dependent solely on facts. Neither is it lacking reason. Strategic intuition [url=]louboutin[/url] is knowledge which occurs in dreams, or in the subconscious.

It has to be obvious by now that I don't think strategic intuition belongs exclusively to network marketing women or women in general. On the other hand perhaps because of the way our brains are hardwired, many women tend to be more in tune with their subconscious minds and more ready to make use of them.

It is my experience that men have an inclination to underrate how much conscious actions can be informed by unconscious thinking. I cannot help but wonder if during the evolution of our gender, strategic intuition may have supplied a necessary counter balance for our smaller size as a way to assure our survival.

Strategic intuition helps network marketing women discover solutions that aren't readily accessible and discover innovative [url=]louboutin pas cher[/url] solutions. It's the thing that makes women in network marketing highly effective.

What is the Advantage for Network Marketing Women?

In the fast paced world of network marketing and the internet, the strategic intuition advantage is especially powerful.

The rapid transmitting and accumulation of data made possible by technology increases the number of decisions all of us make daily. Faced with an amazing amount of information not only on the internet, but through email, our phones and social networking the challenge [url=]hogan outlet[/url] is to remain on top of what is absolutely necessary.

Everyday women in network marketing and other industries need to make swift decisions without stopping to contemplate them and without the luxury of compiling [url=]doudoune moncler pas cher[/url] all possible data.

For example, as I type this blog my fingers access the keys without my having to "think" about each and every stroke. The faster I am going the more apparent this becomes. Should I start thinking about each stroke, the procedure decelerates appreciably.

As I surf the web, or glance through my e-mail box or skim the comments to my blog I am forced to make judgements without thinking. I must "know" without knowing how I know it. And without stressing [url=]nike air jordan pas cher[/url] overly much about how I know it either.

Strategic intuition allows women in network marketing to [url=]doudoune moncler[/url] do their work with greater speed and effectiveness. Can we get it wrong? Of course.

On the other hand, recognising the fact that we have been making use of it can be very freeing. Does Wall Street guru Warren Buffet explain every decision he makes? I don't think so. Does he just know because of his strategic intuition? Certainly.

And as women in network marketing so do we.

*The term "strategic intuition" was introduced by William Duggan in his 2007 book by that name.

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