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PostWysłany: Czw 7:12, 07 Lis 2013    Temat postu: " said Gov. Brian Sandoval

Nevada, Lehman Brothers in $30 million legal dispute
CARSON CITY, Nev., March 13 () -- A state panel in Nevada declined to vote on a proposed settlement for a lawsuit brought on by the collapsed financial firm Lehman Brothers.A summary judgment has already been decided in favor of the state,[url=]Christian Louboutin Sale[/url], but Lehman Brothers is appealing Judge James Wilson's ruling in District Court, the Las Vegas Sun reported Wednesday.A settlement judge with the Nevada Supreme Court proposed the deal under discussion, the newspaper said."We didn't settle. There was no vote," said Gov. Brian Sandoval, who is the chairman of the state's Board of Finance, which deliberated on the matter behind closed doors for less than a half hour.The public was barred from the meeting,[url=]Christian Louboutin Men[/url], because it involved a discussion between an attorney and a client.Lehman Brothers has challenged the state, claiming it broke its contract by pulling its investment from the bank before it was allowed to.State Treasurer Kate Marshall said Nevada received only 33 cents on the dollar for its $50 million investment with Lehman Brothers, which declared bankruptcy in 2008 and became one of the most recognized symbols of the financial meltdown that threatened many of the world's largest banks.Marshall said the Board of Finance would re-consider the settlement proposal in 60 days.

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